Welcome to our new blog page
You will find here various articles written by our employees. Fresh, different content!
Whether for tips and tricks, to present the reality of recruitment or simply to give you a new perspective or angle on a subject related to actuality, we thought that this blog may interest you.
Our employees are involved in your job successes, and whether they’re recruiters, account managers, managers or assistants, they all share with you a point of view that will surely touch you.

Never pay any monetary compensation for a online hiring interview!!!

All together
Video montage about teamwork and solidarity

Positive thinking for your professionnal futur
Aricle written by Susie Léveillé

Emotional intelligence
Aricle written by Maxime Flacheron

A day in the life of an account manager at Synergie Hunt
Article written by Karyne Lavoie

Being aware of the importance of the CV
Article written by Milena Tomic

The interview: leaving a good impression
Article written by Audrey-Ann Charron