Milena Tomic is an account manager at Synergie Hunt.
Member of the communications committee.
Why is it important to write a good Curriculum Vitae? The answer is simple, because the employer does not know you. So, they will rely entirely on your CV to get a first impression of what kind of person you are. And you know what they say, you only get one chance to make a first impression.
- Do not forget to provide your contact information.
It might seem obvious, yet we receive many resumes without a phone number and/or email address. It is a shame too, because when an interesting CV comes across my desk and does not feature contact information, it becomes very difficult for me to contact the job seeker. Additionally, I recommend including the date when you are available to start a new position.
- Don’t forget to add a letterhead at the top of your CV.
It is always useful to write an introduction to your CV, inserted in a box at the top of the page. It should be a short summary of your career, your job, your diploma or your skills, so that the person who receives your CV knows what to expect. The rest of the CV will expand on this introduction.
- Talk about your work experience and studies.
Most people add this information in their CV. However, it is important to sort through your experiences depending on the position you are applying to. Try putting an emphasis on studies and work experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for. You can still briefly talk about other experiences, but it’s important to show that you understand the requirements of the position.
- Highlight your personal experiences.
Do you practice a sport? This shows that you have determination, good physical health and ambition. Did you have a part-time job during your studies? This shows that you are a hard worker and know how to work under pressure. Do you take an art class? This shows that you are creative and curious. Are you part of a charitable organization? This shows that you are helpful and generous.
These and many more are qualities sought-after by employers.
- Presentation is key.
Once you wrote your CV and are happy with it, make sure that it also looks the part. Presentation is important and will make it easier to read. First and foremost, avoid spelling errors. Organize information by sections and prioritize the most relevant information for each application. To do this, use special characters (bold or italic for example) And most importantly break up the text in paragraphs, this makes the CV seem cleaner and easier to read for the recruiter.
Don’t forget that your resume must stand out from countless others that we receive on a daily basis. As recruiters we want to find all the relevant information quickly, but most importantly never forget that we love being blown away by an application!

Note: Here is an example of a CV we received in one of our agencies that stood out, but for all the wrong reasons. This candidate could have the best credentials in the world but seeing how this resume sorely lacks attention to detail, we cannot send it to an employer.